Result:Lineup:Goals + Assists:Clean Sheet:Additional Stuff:
Branning Bandits 4-2 (2-1) Italy Tiger - First half - Second halfCazorla - Wildey - giggs' (Drix) / Lesko - Enzo - Alien1-0 4:10 giggs' (Wildey)2-0 6:26 Wildey2-1 6:58 Enzo3-1 12:43 Lesko O.G.4-1 15:08 Wildey (Cazorla)4-2 16:14 Lesko (Alien)Replay times + 10 minutes in second half.
Manchester United vs Winterfell3-0 defwin, because Winterfell didn't show up.I could post FB chat with one of members if it will be necessary.